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Backstage Studio: Andrea in Pilates Pose

21 April — 7 July 2025

Pilates group training with Ursina Childs. The Pilates method is a holistic body training. Breathing techniques, strength exercises and stretching are combined in harmoniously flowing movements. Pilates provides a new body feeling and a new body posture. The regular training of the stabilizing back and trunk musculature may help to prevent back problems. Pilates is suitable for everybody.

Previous knowledge

No previous knowledge is necessary.

Age Group

Suitable for all ages.


Kurs im Aufbau, Anmeldung erforderlich. Bitte per E-Mail an


10 Lessons, CHF 240 / with student ID CHF 190

Single lesson

CHF 30


  • Booking of multiple courses 10%
  • Trimester flat fee CHF 900


The course fee is to be paid in advance, stating the course «Pilates / Andrea» to account IBAN CH76 0900 0000 1822 5935 3, Backstage Studio, Regine Ochsner, 8004 Zürich.


21 April 2025 -  7 July 2025 / 10 lessons Monday 20:30-21:30 (60 Min)
128 April 2025Andrea MüllerStudio IItentative
2 5 May 2025Andrea MüllerStudio IItentative
312 May 2025Andrea MüllerStudio IItentative
419 May 2025Andrea MüllerStudio IItentative
526 May 2025Andrea MüllerStudio IItentative
6 2 June 2025Andrea MüllerStudio IItentative
716 June 2025Andrea MüllerStudio IItentative
823 June 2025Andrea MüllerStudio IItentative
930 June 2025Andrea MüllerStudio IItentative
10 7 July 2025Andrea MüllerStudio IItentative