Bella Farni

Farni is from Bern, and has her roots in Liechtenstein. Dance, music and drama have accompanied her since her childhood. She graduated from the Colombo Dance Factory in Zurich, studied at the Bern Conservatoire and trained in the acting studio Helga Martens, Zurich. Numerous national and International engagements as a dancer, musical actress, actress and presenter followed, among others, appearances in the Swiss and German television, commercials, Bernhardtheater Zurich, Städtebundtheater Solothurn, Biel, and Theaterspektakel Zurich. As a Madonna-Double, entertainer and chroegrapher, she is successful all over Europe. Today, Bella Farny concentrates on her projects as a singer, songwriter and composer. In 2014 she published her first CD «I bruche Zyt».