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Backstage Studio: Legs and shoes of tap dancers during class

Tap Technique Intermediate to Advanced
26 April — 12 July 2025

An additional training to normal lessons, for the level Intermediate to Advanced. Ideal for pre- or after-missed lessons. Enhance your technique with exercises, improve intonation and speed. Isabel has in-depth knowledge and excellent tap dance technique.

Previous knowledge

Recommended tap experience: 4-5 years.

Age Group

Suitable for all ages.

Trial lesson

A trial lesson is possible at anytime.


Course started, entry any time possible without registration


12 Lessons, CHF 290 / with student ID CHF 230

Single lesson

CHF 30


  • Booking of multiple courses 10%
  • Trimester flat fee CHF 900


The course fee is to be paid in advance, stating the course «Tap Technique Intermediate to Advanced / Nikolaj» to account IBAN CH76 0900 0000 1822 5935 3, Backstage Studio, Regine Ochsner, 8004 Zürich.


26 April 2025 - 12 July 2025 / 12 lessons Saturday 12:15-13:15 (60 Min)
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